David Schrock & Dan Miller
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
Cost: $20.00
God’s New Covenant people form a holy, royal priesthood. As shepherds of the flock Jesus purchased with his blood, we occupy a holy office that is designed to build up God’s new temple as a spiritual house. We are commissioned to lead in, and to cultivate among God’s people, the offering of spiritual sacrifices as a sweet smelling savor to our Lord. We also zealously guard God’s temple from sin, disunity, and dysfunction so as to proclaim the Lord in all his beauty to a world lost in darkness.
Brothers, we not sufficient for these things! But we have the indwelling Spirit. And we have each other. We benefit from iron sharpening iron as we labor to faithfully shepherd God’s flock. I warmly welcome you, then, to join us for this lecture series by David Schrock on the theme of pastoral ministry as priestly service, in the service of our great and final high priest.
David will draw out priestly themes from Scripture to inspire and challenge us in our labors for Christ. Think of these lectures as rich, theological food that will feed everything we do as pastors. This seminar is no simplistic “how to” course. Rather, we anticipate a rich feeding on biblical themes that will equip our every effort to rightly steward Christ’s flock.
I plan to supplement David’s work with a lecture on our priestly task to uphold the fidelity of the individual members of our assemblies by the faithful exercise of corrective church discipline as a faith community. This will require a church’s capacity and willingness to think counter-culturally against the forces of expressive individualism, feminism, and popular parental theory. How can we preach, teach, and counsel so as to mitigate these cultural influences in our churches as we equip our members to function as a covenanting royal priesthood?
I encourage you to join us for these lectures in the interest of the flock you lead and the nurture your own heart. We are laboring to make every moment of this gathering valuable to pastors and ministry leaders.
Prayerfully consider joining us!
Dan Miller
Seminar Schedule
Tuesday, September 17th
- 8:00–8:30 – Registration and coffee/complimentary breakfast, BCS Bookstore, Ministry tables available
- 8:30–9:30 – Session 1: The Servant and His Priestly Servants (Isaiah 40–66) - David Shrock
- 9:30–9:45 – BREAK
- 9:45–10:45 – Session 2: Zeal for the Lord and his Church (Numbers 25) - David Shrock
- 10:45–11:00 – BREAK
- 11:00–12:00 – Session 3: Church Discipline and the Modern Self: Nurturing a Culture of Communal Accountability in a Day of Autonomous Individualism - Dan Miller
- 12:00–12:45 – Lunch
- 12:45–1:45 – Session 4: From the Altar to the City: How the Church Impacts the World - David Schrock
- 1:45–2:00 – Final Q&A, Prayer, & Dismissal - David Shrock and Dan Miller
Speaker Bios
David Schrock serves as Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Occoquan Bible Church in Woodbridge, VA. David received his MDiv and PhD in Systematic Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.
He blogs at Via Emmaus and has written three books, The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God (Crossway), Brothers, We Are Not Plagiarists (Founders Ministries), and Dividing the Faithful (Christ Over All/G3). He is Editor-in-Chief for Christ Over All.
He is married to Wendy and they have four energetic children. In his free time he enjoys playing sports with his kids, reading, writing, drinking coffee, and working out while listening to audiobooks.
Dan Miller has served Eden Baptist Church as lead pastor since 1989. He grew up in the Philadelphia area, then returned to the state of his birth. Dan earned a M.A. in History from Minnesota State University, Mankato; M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Minneapolis; and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago. He is married to Beth and the Lord has blessed them with four children and a growing gaggle of grandchildren. Dan enjoys playing sports, skiing, hiking, landscaping, visiting historical sites, reading, and doing virtually anything on earth with Beth.