Leadership & Staff


We believe the Bible speaks clearly regarding the leadership and governance of a faithful local church. Our guidebook is Scripture, not tradition or pragmatism. 
The Bible identifies two offices of church leadership—elder/pastor and deacon. In the spirit of a godly husband and father, elders are commissioned to lead the family of God with self-sacrificing love, humility, and an earnest desire to nurture the spiritual health of God’s people (Col 1:28-29; 1 Thess 2:9-12, 19-20; 1 Tim 3:4-5). In the spirit of a faithful shepherd, they are commissioned to lead, feed, defend, and care for God’s flock with unpretentious zeal and faithful devotion to Christ.
Although deacons do not possess the same authority in the assembly as elders, they work closely with them, addressing primarily the physical needs of the church’s ministry. They minister as models to the assembly of faithful service to Christ (1 Tim 3:8-13). See links below for further information:

Elders and Deacons Summary

A Display of God’s Glory



MKW_33482020©MeaganWanschura DanDan Miller | Senior Pastor

Dan has served EBC as lead pastor since 1989. He grew up in the Philadelphia area, then returned to the state of his birth. Dan earned a M.A. in History from Minnesota State University, Mankato; M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Minneapolis; and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago. He is married to Beth and the Lord has blessed them with three sons, a daughter, and a growing gaggle of grandchildren. Dan enjoys playing sports, skiing, hiking, landscaping, visiting historical sites, reading, and doing virtually anything on earth with Beth.    

MKW_33422020©MeaganWanschura PaulPaul Perdue | Associate Pastor

Born and raised just outside of Denver, Paul remains a loyal Broncos fan. His graduate degrees include a M.A. in Biblical studies from Maranatha Baptist University and the M.Div. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Paul became a member of Eden Baptist in 2000, an elder in 2004, and joined the staff as a Pastoral Assistant in 2006 after completing the pastoral internship program at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. He has served as an associate pastor since 2009. Paul is married to Joleen, and their three children, Phoebe, Kezia, and Josiah bring them much joy.




MKW_33382020©MeaganWanschura RichRich Penix | Associate Pastor

Rich grew up in Greenville, South Carolina where he received his undergraduate training in Music from Bob Jones University. He holds two Master's degrees from Northland International University (Dunbar, WI) and Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando, FL) as well as a Doctor of Ministry degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Rich is married to Rachel and they have four children: Jude, Chloe, Jamin and Everett. Rich & Rachel have been at Eden since June 2014. Rich enjoys reading, coffee, running, cheering for the North Carolina Tar Heels, and spending time with people.




MKW_33352020©MeaganWanschura (1) ErikErik Queen | Associate Pastor

Erik grew up in rural Western Colorado and enjoys time out in God’s creation. Erik joined Eden in 2006 and became a lay elder in 2014. After 18 years of teaching Deaf/HH children, Erik began full time pastoral ministry at Eden in 2023. Erik has a M.A. in Education of the Deaf/HH and Elementary Ed as well as a M.A. in Educational Technology. He married his wife, Danielle, in August of 2015, and together they enjoy serving the church and chasing after their four little girls, Lily, Grace, Emelia, and Dora. Erik enjoys reading, working with children, and enjoying a meal with friends. He also looks forward to any opportunity to use his knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL) to share God’s Word with Deaf individuals. 




MKW_33452020©MeaganWanschura Rocky Rocky Ranch | Elder

Rocky grew up on the Western slope of Colorado and has lived in Minnesota ever since college. He became a member of Eden Baptist Church in 1984 and began to serve as a deacon about six months before Pastor Miller came in 1989. Rocky graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible college with a B.A. in Bible, minoring in pastoral ministry, history and electronics. In 1986 Rocky started his own business, Prowire Inc., and has worked as a low-voltage contractor ever since. Along with his wife, Joanne, Rocky has led the 4th-6th grade ministry at Eden for many years. Rocky and Joanne have three grown children.




MKW_75592020©MeaganWanschura DavidDavid McKeown | Elder

David grew up in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. After receiving his undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies from Tri-State Baptist College, he worked in various ministries which included pastoring in two churches. After moving to Minnesota in 1994, David received his Masters of Ministry degree from Northland International University in 2003. David married Julie in 1984, and together they have eight children and four grandchildren.





Bill Kesting | Elder

Bill grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming, pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in music performance and education, later shifting to a marketing and business career with 3M in Minnesota.  Bill and his wife Nancy reside in Eagan, coming to Eden in 2019, and joining the elder team in 2023.  They are blessed with 2 sons and daughters-in-law. In addition to his elder responsibilities, Bill serves as chairman of the board of directors for Truth78 (formerly, Children Desiring God). Bill enjoys time with Nancy and their family, reading, playing the trumpet, and ministering with, and to, the church family at Eden.




Joanna Mieling | Church Admin

Joanna has been a Minnesotan nearly all her life.  After a confusing 1st Semester as a music major, she quickly realized her talents (and her NOT talents...) and ended up graduating with a degree in Communications from the University of Northwestern St. Paul.  She married Mike, her college sweetheart and best friend, and worked for Wells Fargo in Mortgage for five years before having her first baby and embarking on the refining role of stay-at-home mom. She enjoys racket sports (mostly pickleball now that she's approaching 40), coffee, and spreadsheets.




Justin Feland | Pastoral Resident

Justin was born and raised south of the Twin Cities. He completed an undergraduate degree in Biblical & Theological Studies from Bethel University in 2014. He earned his M.Div from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles in 2018 and is currently finishing his Th.M at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Justin is married to Suzanne and they have two children: Melody and Caleb. Justin and Suzanne have been members at Eden since 2021. He enjoys reading, theological conversation, BBQ, and family time.