Our purpose is based on our mutual love for Jesus that binds us together and thus allows us to edify the body of Christ in self-giving ways and to evangelize a world in need of the Savior.
Our Goal
To influence teens to magnify the splendor of God by loving the Lord with all their hearts and by loving others as they love themselves (Matthew 22:36-40).
Our Mission
To provide an organized ministry to teens in which godly adults influence youth for God’s glory by seeking to nurture in our teens: a growing intimacy with Christ, the loving service of others, and the faithful evangelization of the lost.
Our Objectives
To disciple teens by teaching, preaching, and counseling the truth of God and by promoting joyful participation in spiritual disciplines
To disciple teens by training and guiding them to perform acts of joyful service to others
To disciple teens by training them and guiding them to engage the lost in evangelistic outreach
Our Method
Building Involvement
We will strive to create teachable moments by winning the confidence of teens through meaningful interaction.
- By means of recreational opportunities. From the standpoint of influence, Bismark rightly observed that “you can do anything with children if you will play with them.” From the standpoint of assessment, activity times provide an ideal opportunity for leaders to assess a teen’s competitive and team strategies, decision making abilities, self control, perseverance, leadership skills, attitude toward winning/losing, etc.
- By means of scheduled activities (see guidelines below)
- By means of structured and non-structured times of listening and counsel
Modeling Holiness
We will strive to inspire godliness in our teens as we display the fruit of the Spirit in a joyful walk with God, eschewing worldly methods and fleshly practices.
We are not peers striving to be “cool”; we are disciplers seeking to nurture godliness.
We are not trend-happy with a lean toward worldliness; we are disciplers promoting holy living.
We are not self-promoters commanding blind obedience or making a play for control or approval; we are servant-leaders promoting the glory of God to our teens.
Teaching Scripture
We will strive to provide a learning environment in which God’s Word and the spiritual disciplines are not merely ancillary attachments but are integral aspects of all we do.
Worshiping God
We will strive to create opportunities in which the spiritual disciplines are pursued with a view to expressing the majesty and love of God and the joy we find in Him as our soul’s ultimate satisfaction.
We encourage a family-orientation in which teens are routinely influenced by a variety of godly adults rather than isolated to a peer group managed and led by a program director. We seek to come alongside parents in an ancillary role that honors the priority of the home as the frontline discipleship venue given by God.
A team of adults provide leadership under the oversight and development of one of our elders.
A calendar of all teen activities will be formulated annually.
The final authority on details regarding any activity or trip is the most current Sunday bulletin.
All-Church Activities
These opportunities will be promoted as integral aspects of the teen calendar. Adults and youth leaders should work to promote teen involvement in church activities as a means of discipleship and vital participation in the life of the body.
Activities include: Fall and Spring Workdays; Retreats; Church Picnics (July-September); VBS; and outreach activities.
Sunday Night Fellowships (“Roundtables”)
Location–Teens will meet after scheduled Sunday evening services at the church building or in the home of a church member who lives in close proximity to the church building.
Meal–A meal will be provided by the church. When held at a home, dessert may be provided by the host home, if they wish.
Format–The teens are encouraged to come with questions to ask the leader. A meal will be served after the discussion time (or before, if circumstances dictate). All Roundtables end no later than 9 p.m.
Participation–The host family and meal preparers are free to listen in on the discussion time if they wish.
Transportation–When the Roundtable is held at a home, efforts will be made to transport as many teens as possible from the church to the home in vans. Parents should make arrangements to pick up their children at the host home at or soon after 9 p.m.
Wednesday Night
During the school year, the teens will meet for Bible Study, small group discussion, games, and fellowship.
During the summer months, all teens with either meet with the entire church for a time of teaching and prayer or participate in training for a summer ministry trip.
Community Outreach Events
These events are intended to utilize our teens’ youthful, God-given energy to serve other local churches or para-church ministries in our community. Typically there are two of these events scheduled per year.
Annual Ministry Trips
At least one church ministry trip is scheduled each summer.
To participate, teens must be entering grades 9-12 or have just graduated, sign up for the trip by the appointed cut-off date, successfully complete all training requirements, and meet stated standards for participants