Sunday Morning
Parking is clearly designated in front of the main entrance to our building which faces 122nd Street.
Inside the main entrance is a large lobby. You will see directly into our auditorium where you will find ample, comfortable seating.
Information is available at a welcome station located in the lobby.
We are fairly diverse in our dress. Business casual is common on Sunday mornings. You will also find suits and ties, dresses and high heels, T-shirts, jeans, and flip-flops.
All we ask is that you dress respectfully. We want those formally dressed as well as those casually dressed to feel at home.
Bible Classes
Age-specific classes are held for children and youth ages 2.5 years through 12th grade. Elective courses are offered each quarter for adults.
To find help with room assignments, stop at the welcome station located in the lobby.
Nursery is provided.
The Worship Service
You will not be singled out as a visitor. People will almost certainly welcome you and introduce themselves before and after the service. An usher may hand you a visitor’s card. If you choose to fill it out, we will simply send you a letter in the mail that week. But we will not draw attention to you during the service.
Expect a Godward, Christ-exalting, Scripture-saturated, prayer infused focus. Our worship services are not designed to entertain. They are not choreographed performances. They are purposefully structured to focus attention upon the greatness and goodness of the triune God.
Anticipate thoughtful prayers, substantive congregational singing and reading of Scripture, and a well-prepared sermon that carefully unpacks the meaning of a passage from the Bible and its application to our daily lives.
You are encouraged to bring your Bible. We use the English Standard Version. If you do not have a copy, feel free to grab one off the rack as you enter the auditorium.
We have a lot to sing about and will do a fair amount of it. You will not be overwhelmed by professional instrumentation. While we have excellent musicians who skillfully lead us in worship, they are not the center of attention. We purposefully emphasize the singing of the gathered church.
Nursery care is provided and children’s church (Ages 2.5-kindergarten) meets during the worship service. Ages 4 & 5 will be dismissed from the service to children's church before the sermon begins. We encourage the participation of older children in our worship service as a vital aspect of their spiritual nurture.
The service will usually conclude several minutes before noon, but we are not enslaved to the clock. We are careful not to waste time, but our services are unhurried. The elements of a given service and the nature of the biblical text considered in the sermon are of first concern.
Sunday Evening
This service is less formal than our morning service and more varied in purpose. The overarching focus is on our life together as the body of Christ.
During these gatherings we routinely observe the Lord’s Supper, hear the testimonies of new members, report outreach developments, consider ministry opportunities, and hear from missionaries.
Periodically, we will consider a series of biblical messages on a topic or doctrine having key significance to the Christian life or our ministry as a church.
Quarterly, we hold a formal members’ meeting—transacting church business and exercising watch-care of the flock.
We do not meet in the evenings on the first or fifth Sundays of each month.
Nursery is provided.
Wednesday Evening
This weekly gathering is structured for the church to actively build itself up in the faith.
For two semesters (Sept to mid-Dec, and Jan to mid-May) adults gather for a brief time of Bible instruction, then divide into small groups for interactive discussion and a season of concentrated prayer.
During this same time, age-specific groups are held for children ages 3 years through 12th grade.
Nursery is provided.