Click here to sign up for Spring 2025 Women's Bible Study!
The women’s ministry of EBC seeks to exalt Jesus Christ by encouraging our women to be continually growing in their knowledge of the Bible and how to apply it to their lives. Our purpose is based on our mutual love for Jesus that binds us together and thus allows us to edify the body of Christ in self-giving ways and to evangelize a world in need of the Savior.
-Encourage and facilitate our women’s worship of Jesus Christ in the outworking of authentic, biblical femininity.
-Encourage and equip women to minister alongside men in the family of God in a way that displays the glory of God’s creative design in a complementary manner.
-Counteract culture’s attack on God’s design for women by providing biblical instruction on Christian womanhood, thus equipping our women to be discerning about culture instead of being conformed to or intimidated by it.
Areas of Ministry
Good things happen over food, and our church family loves to eat together! Several church events require the organization and oversight of food, and all women are divided into groups which share this responsibility. Each group leader will let her group know when there is a need for help. Husbands are welcome to help out too.
Provides an opportunity for the mentoring relationships described in Titus 2:3-5. Through the context of both modeling and instruction, as older women are paired with younger women, this ministry encourages obedience to God and seeks to equip women with practical skills related to life’s seasons and responsibilities. Assignments are made in the fall of each year for all who desire to participate.
Periodically, the W2W ministry is built into cohorts: a small group of younger women meet as a group with different older women to discuss a particular topic, rotating through different homes four times in the year.
Bible Study
Meets in the fall and spring on 12 Tuesday mornings or 6 Tuesday evenings (typically every other week). Childcare is provided for the Tuesday morning gatherings.
Annual Retreat
This Spring event is an opportunity for rest and recreation as well as reflection and renewal in our personal relationship with God. We strive to help initiate and foster relationships for the purpose of encouraging one another in our obedience to God and faithfulness in the roles he has ordained. Teaching focused on topics relevant to women is an integral part of the retreat.
Summer Gathering
Each year this event is (typically) centered on the discussion of a book that relates to Biblical womanhood. The book is announced in early summer and discussion questions are distributed later. The gathering occurs near the end of the summer, allowing women ample time to buy and read the book in advance.
Christmas Dinner Outreach
This annual event is an evening of encouragement for our ladies, but it’s primary purpose is to serve as a unique opportunity for outreach to unbelieving friends and neighbors.
Baby & Wedding Showers
All first-time moms and new brides are encouraged through a shower which includes light refreshments and a spiritual challenge.
To encourage families bringing home a new baby, we provide up to six meals. All ladies receive an e-mail providing the opportunity to sign-up and to deliver food.
Home Support
This ministry is designed to help those going through a life crisis such as a death in the family, a major medical need, or some other life altering event. Similar to the meals for new babies, a sign up is sent via email or individuals are contacted to meet specific needs.
The Decorating Crew, consisting of both men and women, does seasonal decorating in the common areas of the church four times a year (winter, spring, fall and Christmas). People of all skill sets needed; no decorating talent is required. Everyone is welcome to help!
Silver Server’s
Ladies over seventy years of age meet once a month for fellowship and the ministry of prayer.
Nursery & Children’s Church
These are the normal, ongoing ministries of our church where women can regularly serve.
All-Church Activities
Along with our women-only meetings, it is vital for one’s spiritual health to participate in church activities that involve the entire body. Weekly gatherings, prayer meetings, picnics, work days, ministry trips, etc., provide crucial opportunities to develop mutually edifying relationships with other church members.
Our women’s ministry strives to blend with and encourage the entire assembly. Each of us should seek to edify the children in our midst as well as build meaningful friendships with those who are older in the congregation. We should seek wisdom from those who are more mature in the faith and work shoulder-to-shoulder with others to build each other up in the faith and benefit from spiritual accountability, striving together to be more like Christ as we wait for His return!
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:1-5)